Booth Honors Program

Admission Process

We are delighted that you are interested in learning more about applying to the Booth Honors Program at Utah Tech University.


Entry is competitive and only applicants who meet the following criteria will be considered:

  • All students must complete the UT admissions process before being considered for the Honors Program.
  • Incoming freshmen need an overall high school GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  • Current UT students and transfer students need an overall GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  • Returning students without current GPAs or test scores will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • All students will submit one, 400-800 word essay, responding to the to the essay prompt section. We recommend that you compose your essay in a word-processing program. Please check for spelling and grammatical errors.

There is no application deadline, but students must apply by the following deadlines to receive priority registration for the following semester.

  • Fall Admission: March 16th at noon
  • Spring Admission: November 1st

Honors Program Application

Personal Information

School Information

Concurrent Enrollment or AP

Are you currently or have you previously been enrolled in Concurrent Enrollment or AP courses

Concurrent Enrollment Courses

Example: American Government
Example: POLS 1100
Example: Political Science
Passed with a C or better? *
Example: Dixie State University

AP Courses

Passed with a 3 or better?

Application Essay

Express why you want to join the Booth Honors Program

Application Essay

To be considered for the Booth Honors Program, applicants must respond to a prompt from both of the following essay sections. The minimum word requirement for each essay answer is 400 words; 800 words is the maximum. We suggest you write and edit your responses in a separate document and paste them into this application.

Respond to one of the following prompts. No essay topic is preferred over another.

1a. Were you to be admitted, what would you bring to the Booth Honors Program? Tell us about your academic and general interests, aspirations, and goals, and the sorts of campus and/or community activities that you would enjoy participating in and maybe even planning or running. Please feel free to share and discuss examples.

1b. What assignment in high school wasted your time more than any other? Why? How would you improve it?

1c. Explain how and why your life has been significantly influenced by a person (living or dead), an event or by a particular book.

1d. The Booth Honors Program emphasizes interdisciplinary classes and collaboration. For that reason, we prefer to offer upper-level classes that address a specific subject (extinction or Halloween, for instance) from different, complementary disciplinary perspectives (for instance biology, geology, and environmental science for an extinction class or art, history, literature, and folklore/popular culture for a Halloween class). Please discuss how an interdisciplinary perspective could contribute to solving problems and/or answering questions that interest you. If you like, suggest a class that would benefit from such an interdisciplinary approach and explain why.

400-800 Word Essay