Booth Honors Program

Scholarship Application

Please Note: scholarships will only be awarded to active Honors students who are enrolled in Honors courses and progressing towards graduation.

Scholarship Application
Are you a member of the Booth Honors Program? *
(if you selected no, then you are not eligible to apply)

Personal Information

Program Details

Example: Natural History of Costa Rica
Example: ENVS 3910

Program Fee Information

Not to exceed $1500

Tentative Dates

Example: Spring 2018 or May 8-10th
Example: Deposit due Monday, December 4, 2017 or Fee attached to DSU Tuition

Rationale for Participation

Conference Details

Conference Fee

Project Details

Mentor Information

Only current UT faculty (professors) may serve as mentor

Project Information

0 of 500 max words
Summary should include (1) a brief background, (2) goal(s) of the project, (3) method(s) to be used in this project, and (4) expected outcome(s). 500-word limit.
0 of 250 max words
250 word limit

Budget Information

All requested funds must be applied directly to the applicant student’s research. Awards are limited to $500.
If budget will support other expenses, such as interviews or participation fees, please provide a brief explanation of how that funding will be used.

Students are encouraged to apply to at least one other funding source.